I have seen a lot of moves. But I think best of all is Tonarinototoro. It's a Japanese animationmovie. It's Miyazaki Hayao's work and one of the famous of his works. This story is start with a family -father, mother (being ill in the hospital) and tow sisters moving to a lovely country side where cute fairy totoro dusty matukurokurosuke live and fantastic things constantly happen to them. One day younger sister Mei was lost. Her sister was deadly worried about it and asked totoro for help. Then she finally found her by riding nekobas which was never seen by adult.
I have seen a lot of moves. But I think best of all is Tonarinototoro. It's a Japanese animationmovie. It's Miyazaki Hayao's work and one of the famous of his works. This story is start with a family -father, mother (being ill in the hospital) and tow sisters moving to a lovely country side where cute fairy totoro dusty matukurokurosuke live and fantastic things constantly happen to them. One day younger sister Mei was lost. Her sister was deadly worried about it and asked totoro for help. Then she finally found her by riding nekobas which was never seen by adult.
My favorite scene is that father and his daughters find a big tree which seems being there for a long time. It’s seemed to me that it’s a god of the forest. I hope I have a tree like this in my town. It would be wonderful to see such a great tree every day. Another favorite scene is that tow sisters run around their house to find a stars which leads to an attic. They shout at many matukurokurosukes and they made a funny song about them.
There is fanny scene in this movie. One day Mei followed tow little totoros. At first they tried to escape from her. But she never gave up chasing them and finally she found the place where a big totoro is sleeping. Big totoro described his name with his big mouth.
I love this move because I long for a country life. And those tow sisters always remind me of the fantastic day which I and my sister did nothing but play with in a park or play with our dolls without any worry about our studies. Also I like this beautiful picture of the move. All the lovely characters make me happy every time I see this move.
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